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University of Otago

University of Otago Courses

Masters (Coursework)

The Master of Social and Community Work (Applied) (MSCW(Applied)) programme is designed for students who already hold a bachelor's degree to attain a qualification that will allow them to become professional social workers.
Entry Requirements
  1. Admission to the programme shall be subject to the approval of the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Humanities) on the advice of the Social Work Admissions Committee.
  2. Every applicant shall
    1. be a graduate, having completed an undergraduate degree programme of at least 360 points in an area considered to be suitable as background for postgraduate study in Social Work;
    2. have achieved an average grade of at least B in the 300-level major-subject papers for the applicant's undergraduate degree programme;
    3. provide evidence, to the satisfaction of the Social Work Admissions Committee, that the applicant is a fit and proper person to be a social work student. This shall normally be evaluated through character references and assessment of evidence of practice experience in community or voluntary organisations and/or a period of professional social work/social services employment. Additionally, applicants must consent to checks in light of the Children's Act 2014, which shall include verification from the New Zealand Police and Department of Courts (and/or equivalent for international applicants) that the applicant has no undeclared criminal charges or convictions; and
    4. provide evidence of prior skills or formal training in: Maori language and culture, the Treaty of Waitangi, social issues in New Zealand society, social research methods, and human development. International applicants shall be assessed as to whether they require further study on issues in New Zealand society. For some applicants, experience and skills in these areas may have been gained through employment or other relevant experience.

    Note: For applicants who do not meet some of these criteria, the Social Work Admissions Committee can request completion of coursework (e.g. for Certificate of Proficiency at the University of Otago) prior to admission to the programme.

  3. In exceptional circumstances, an applicant who is not a graduate may be considered on the basis of alternative qualifications or appropriate training and experience in management, administration, or leadership in social service organisations. Applicants must provide proof of experience and performance equivalent to that acquired in completing an undergraduate degree. The applicant must also provide evidence of ability to undertake advanced-level academic study. The Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Humanities) may require such an applicant to pass one or more prescribed papers either before admission or concurrently with the programme.


The Bachelor of Surveying (BSurv) degree is the only academic qualification available in New Zealand that leads to full professional recognition as a Chartered Surveyor.
Entry Requirements
  1. Admission to the second year of the programme for the degree of Bachelor of Surveying shall be determined by the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Sciences) on the advice of the Surveying Admissions Committee. Candidates will normally be selected on the basis of their academic records.
  2. The number of candidates who are New Zealand citizens or who have permanent residence in New Zealand, and are admitted annually to the second year, shall not normally exceed 70.
  3. Applications for enrolment in second year classes in Surveying must be received not later than 15 November, in the year preceeding desired entry.
  4. To be considered for admission to the second year of the programme, a candidate must normally have passed, or be eligible for credit for, papers worth at least 126 points as prescribed in the programme requirements above.
  5. Direct entry to certain papers at 200-level may be granted to candidates who have attained a sufficently high standard in appropriate papers at school. Such candidates may be exempted from all or some of the papers normally required in the first year of the programme, or may be permitted by the Dean of Surveying to substitute other papers for all or some of the prescribed papers.

Doctorate (PhD)

The Doctor of Laws (LLD) degree is a higher doctorate and one of the University's most prestigious qualifications. It is awarded only to individuals who have published original contributions of special excellence in the history, philosophy, exposition or criticism of law.
Entry Requirements
  1. A degree shall be awarded for published original contributions of special excellence in the appropriate discipline. An individual shall only ever be entitled to be awarded one Higher Doctorate from the University of Otago - applications for multiple Higher Doctorates are not permitted.
  2. Every candidate for a Higher Doctoral degree must have held a degree for at least five years before applying for admission to the degree.
  3. A candidate for the degree shall normally be a graduate of the University of Otago, or shall have completed a substantial proportion of the work to be presented while working in an academic or research unit of the University.

Masters (Coursework)

The Master of Oral Health (MOH) graduate will attain advanced knowledge, skills and attributes in the scope of dental therapy and dental hygiene practice.
Entry Requirements
  1. Admission to the programme shall be subject to the approval of the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Health Sciences).
  2. Every applicant must hold the degree of Bachelor of Oral Health from the University of Otago or another oral health qualification approved by the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Health Sciences), and be registered in the areas of dental hygiene and/or dental therapy practice in their country of practice or residence.
  3. Applicants must have achieved a minimum grade point average of B in the final year of the qualifying degree or qualification.
  4. Admission to the programme is limited to a maximum of six candidates annually.

Masters (Coursework)

Applicants for the degree of Master of Medical Science (MMedSc) must hold a Bachelor of Medical Science with Honours (BMedSc(Hons) or Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MB ChB) or an alternate qualification acceptable to the Otago Medical School Academic Board, normally another medical...
Entry Requirements
  1. Admission to the programme shall be subject to the approval of the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Health Sciences).
  2. Every applicant must have fulfilled one of the following conditions:
    1. have been admitted to the degree of Bachelor of Medical Science (prior to 2001) or to the degree of Bachelor of Medical Science with Honours;
    2. have been admitted to the degrees of Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery of a university in New Zealand or hold an equivalent medical qualification approved by the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Health Sciences);
    3. have alternative qualifications or experience acceptable to the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Health Sciences).

Masters (Coursework)

The Master of Social Work (MSW) is a post-professional degree for experienced social and community workers.
Entry Requirements
  1. Admission to the programme shall be subject to the approval of the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Humanities).
  2. Every applicant shall
    1. possess an approved professional social services qualification that entitles them to registration with the New Zealand Social Workers Registration Board, or international equivalent, and
    2. have at least two years' proven competence working in the social welfare field, and
    3. present evidence of ability for advanced level academic study.
  3. Note: Applicants who are not graduates or who have not achieved grades averaging B or better will normally be expected to enrol for a Postgraduate Diploma in Social Welfare or Diploma for Graduates or for approved papers for Certificate of Proficiency.

Masters (Coursework)

The Master of Arts (Coursework) programme is designed to give students the skills sought-after by employers around the globe, with a balance of specific subject knowledge plus broad-based transferable skills - such as oral and written communication, and analytical skills.
Entry Requirements
  1. Admission to the programme shall be subject to the approval of the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Humanities).
  2. Every applicant must either
    1. be a graduate, or
    2. have alternative qualifications or experience acceptable to the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Humanities).
  3. In considering an applicant's qualifications, regard will be had to the detail of the course of study followed to gain the qualification, as well as the applicant's performance in the programme. Applicants must normally have achieved an average grade of at least B in the papers at the highest level in the programme.

Graduate Diploma

The Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Psychology (PGDipClPs) programme normally extends over three years of full-time University study.
Entry Requirements
  1. Admission to the programme shall be subject to the approval of the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Sciences), on the advice of the Clinical Psychology Admissions Committee.
  2. Candidates will be selected on the basis of their academic record, personal suitability and professional attributes. Applicants must demonstrate the capability to meet New Zealand Psychologists Board requirements for registration as a clinical psychologist, which shall include satisfying any police vetting and safety checking processes as prescribed by the Children's Act 2014.
  3. An applicant for provisional admission to the programme shall have completed the requirements for a bachelor's degree majoring in Psychology or equivalent.
  4. An applicant for final admission to the programme shall
    1. have been admitted to the degree of Bachelor of Science with Honours in Psychology or Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Psychology, or equivalent; and
    2. have passed Psychology 400-level papers with an average grade of at least B+.

Bachelor (Honours)

The Bachelor of Social Work with Honours (BSW(Hons)) provides an advanced option at 400-level for students completing the BSW degree. BSW(Hons) students complete the main requirements of the BSW degree but also take extra courses of a more research-intensive nature and produce a dissertation.
Entry Requirements
  1. Admission to the programme shall be subject to the approval of the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Humanities).
  2. Admission to the Honours programme will be based upon an applicant's academic performance in the third year of the programme for the degree of Bachelor of Social Work.

Graduate Diploma

The University of Otago offers several papers in obstetrics and gynaecology designed for family planning trainees, midwives, general practitioners, continuing medical education registrants and candidates for the Postgraduate Diploma in Obstetrics and Medical Gynaecology (PGDipOMG).
Entry Requirements
  1. Admission to the programme shall be subject to the approval of the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Health Sciences) (see Note 1).
  2. Every applicant shall have been admitted to the degrees of Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery of a university in New Zealand or hold an equivalent medical qualification approved by the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Health Sciences).
  3. Every applicant shall be registered for medical practice in the country in which the programme is taught.

Doctorate (PhD)

A Doctor of Commerce degree is awarded for published original contributions of special excellence in some branch of commerce. A candidate for this degree would normally have graduated from the University of Otago and have held a degree for at least five years before applying.
Entry Requirements
  1. A degree shall be awarded for published original contributions of special excellence in the appropriate discipline. An individual shall only ever be entitled to be awarded one Higher Doctorate from the University of Otago - applications for multiple Higher Doctorates are not permitted.
  2. Every candidate for a Higher Doctoral degree must have held a degree for at least five years before applying for admission to the degree.
  3. A candidate for the degree shall normally be a graduate of the University of Otago, or shall have completed a substantial proportion of the work to be presented while working in an academic or research unit of the University.

Graduate Diploma

The Postgraduate Diploma in Ministry (PGDipMin) requires one year of full-time or its equivalent in part-time study. The aim of the diploma is to enhance contemporary ministries through the incorporation of current scholarship into the practice of ministry.
Entry Requirements
  1. Admission to the programme shall be subject to the approval of the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Humanities).
  2. Every applicant must either
    1. have been admitted to a degree in Theology, or
    2. have alternative qualifications or experience acceptable to the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Humanities).