This industry relevant postgraduate qualification equips you with sustainable design knowledge - and with a strong focus on sustainable design theory, emerging technologies and new materials you will graduate industry-ready.
We are South Australia's largest tertiary provider for education degrees. The curriculum for this master degree is informed by our above world-class research - research that has been ranked number one in SA1.
In this very flexible degree you can choose your own specialisation - either two minors in IT; or one IT minor and one non-IT minor. This means you can develop a broad range of skills and knowledge, enhancing your employment prospects.
Study a degree that examines the global contexts of politics and history including understanding Australia's role domestically and within the broader currents of regional and global politics.
In this master degree, teaching and learning is supported by our world-class engineering research - our engineering research is rated well above world-class.1
This dynamic graduate diploma offers a unique blend of practical experience with solid theoretical knowledge, ensuring you graduate with the tools needed for a successful career in this competitive field.
This degree focuses on the design and construction of buildings and structures, including masonry and steel work. In your studies you will develop the skills to manage the social, environmental and financial components of construction projects.
This degree provides you with transferable ideas, skills and a broad body of professional knowledge in the discipline strands of Film, Television, Visual Effects and Digital Media.