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Australian College of Nursing (ACN)

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About Australian College of Nursing (ACN)

The Australian College of Nursing (ACN) is the national voice of the nursing profession focused on policy, advocacy and education to advance the status, recognition and respect for nurses. We are committed to our intent of ‘Shaping Health, Advancing Nursing’ to enhance the health care of all Australians. Our membership, events and higher education services allow nurses at all levels to stay informed, connected and inspired. We are excited to lead change and create a strong, collective voice for our profession by bringing together thousands of extraordinary nurses from across the country.

Why study with ACN?

ACN is a leading provider of postgraduate and vocational education for registered and enrolled nurses. You can be confident that if you choose to study with ACN that we are recognised for providing courses that are contemporary and have a strong clinical and evidence-based practice focus. Our comprehensive courses are designed and developed by nurse educators in collaboration with health industry partners to ensure that they build your clinical skills and advance your knowledge in your specialty area.

ACN Graduate Certificates

Our Graduate Certificate courses prepare nurses for a rewarding career in the health and community services sector. We offer coursework programs that are academically challenging and professionally relevant, in an environment that encourages independent learning and interaction amongst peers, supported by tutors and nurse educators. The courses provide the knowledge, skills and attitudes directly suited to working in specialist areas of health care and are designed to meet contemporary industry needs.

Why study a graduate certificate with ACN?

  • Written by specialist nurses for nurses
  • Supported by tutors and nurse educators
  • Study online, anywhere, anytime
  • FEE-HELP available
  • Access to Office 365 Education for free, throughout the duration of your course
  • Unsure if postgraduate education is right for you? Try a single unit of study
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Explore By Study Field
Featured Courses

Graduate Certificate

The aim of this course is to encourage professional and ethical understanding of evidence-based clinical practice development in alcohol and other drugs nursing. It will provide students with an understanding of substance use issues from both an individual and public health perspective.

Graduate Certificate

The Graduate Certificate in Re-entry is designed to meet the requirements of the NMBA and the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Accreditation Council (ANMAC) EPIQ and Re-Entry Registered Nurse Accreditation Standards (2014) through assessment.

Short course or microcredential

Upskill under the guidance of specialist nurse educators in a location near you. Become an ACN member to receive a discount when enrolling in our CPD courses.

Performance Indicators

Overall satisfacation
Skill scale
Teaching scale
Employed full-time
Average salary

Student Stories

  • Student Stories
The Postgraduate Certificate in Stomal Therapy has accelerated my nursing career and reminds me that sometimes you just need to dive right into a challenge.


  • Student Stories
The Postgraduate Certificate in Stomal Therapy has accelerated my nursing career and reminds me that sometimes you just need to dive right into a challenge.


  • Student Stories
The structure of the ACN program allowed to me to continue working my rostered hours and greatly developed my knowledge, skills and confidence as a district nurse.


  • Student Stories
The structure of the ACN program allowed to me to continue working my rostered hours and greatly developed my knowledge, skills and confidence as a district nurse.


  • Student Stories
A Post Graduate Course can very useful in any specialty, for clinical work as well as management highlighting and reinforcing the prestige of being the recipient of a Graduate Certificate.


  • Student Stories
A Post Graduate Course can very useful in any specialty, for clinical work as well as management highlighting and reinforcing the prestige of being the recipient of a Graduate Certificate.


  • Student Stories
The Postgraduate Certificate in Stomal Therapy has accelerated my nursing career and reminds me that sometimes you just need to dive right into a challenge.


  • Student Stories
The Postgraduate Certificate in Stomal Therapy has accelerated my nursing career and reminds me that sometimes you just need to dive right into a challenge.


  • Student Stories
The structure of the ACN program allowed to me to continue working my rostered hours and greatly developed my knowledge, skills and confidence as a district nurse.


  • Student Stories
The structure of the ACN program allowed to me to continue working my rostered hours and greatly developed my knowledge, skills and confidence as a district nurse.


  • Student Stories
A Post Graduate Course can very useful in any specialty, for clinical work as well as management highlighting and reinforcing the prestige of being the recipient of a Graduate Certificate.


  • Student Stories
A Post Graduate Course can very useful in any specialty, for clinical work as well as management highlighting and reinforcing the prestige of being the recipient of a Graduate Certificate.
