Highest-Paying Internships & Vacation Programs in Australia
🔍 Where we got our data
- These are graduate jobs posted on our site in the last twelve months (July 2022 - July 2023). This means that not all jobs are currently live. For the most up-to-date job postings, check our site.
- The average salaries listed are the averages of the salary ranges that employers provide. Where employers tied for salary, we prioritised those with higher rankings.
Which industries offer the most highest-paying internships?
These five industries offer the bulk (80%) of the internships in our list.
📊 What this means for you
What do these numbers show besides the fact that these industries lead the pack in terms of pay?
- These industries invest heavily in their younger talent. This often means you get to work on more interesting things as an intern (your time is too valuable for coffee runs!).
- However, the higher the pay, the greater the competition. So if you're angling for a role in these industries, make sure you prepare a stellar CV and read up on these industries in our advice section.
What next?
If you found internships you're interested in
If you found any live internships that interest you, apply away!
If there are any employers who pique your interest but don't have live internships right now, save them and be the first to know when positions open.
If you didn't find anything
There are only a handful of industries represented in this list so if you didn't find anything for you, search for more internships on Prosple.
And if you still didn't find anything on Prosple, check out these places to find the best internships and vacation programs.