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Doctor of Medicine (MD)

  • Doctorate (PhD)

The Doctor of Medicine (MD) degree is primarily for Otago medical graduates who have completed published original research in any branch of medical science. The academic standard is equivalent to Doctor of Science (DSc). For more about studying medicine at Otago:

Key details

Degree Type
Doctorate (PhD)
Course Code

About this course

The Doctor of Medicine (MD) degree is primarily for Otago medical graduates who have completed published original research in any branch of medical science. The academic standard is equivalent to Doctor of Science (DSc).

For more about studying medicine at Otago:

Entry requirements

  1. A degree shall be awarded for published original contributions of special excellence in the appropriate discipline. An individual shall only ever be entitled to be awarded one Higher Doctorate from the University of Otago - applications for multiple Higher Doctorates are not permitted.
  2. Every candidate for a Higher Doctoral degree must have held a degree for at least five years before applying for admission to the degree.
  3. A candidate for the degree shall normally be a graduate of the University of Otago, or shall have completed a substantial proportion of the work to be presented while working in an academic or research unit of the University.

Study locations
