ThePGCertInfraAssetMgt covers the overarching principles, processes and techniques employed in infrastructure asset management and the latest thinking on the application of bodies of knowledge to the infrastructure asset management sector.
A student pursuing this programme will choose from the following electives:
15 points:
CIVIL 765 Infrastructure Asset Management
At least 15 points from:
CIVIL 716 Engineering Risk Management
CIVIL 729 Humanitarian Engineering
CIVIL 766 Road Asset Management
ENGGEN 726 Climate Adaptation of Infrastructure
ENGSCI 755 Decision Making in Engineering
ENVENG 702 Engineering decision-making in Aotearoa
Up to 30 points from:
CIVIL 703 Project Management
CIVIL 731 Water Resources Modelling
CIVIL 782 Water Resources Engineering
DISMGT 701 Disaster Risk Management
DISMGT 703 Disaster Management and Resilience
ENERGY 722 Energy and Technology
GEOG 712 Land, Place and Culture
GEOG 714 Population, Mobilities & Well-Being
GLMI 705 People, Performance And Well-Being
GLMI 706 Working In An Age Of Uncertainty
GLMI 708 Critical, Creative And Strategic Thinking
ENVSCI 711 Assessing Environmental Effect
ENVMGT 741 Social Change for Sustainability
ENVENG 701 Urban Stormwater Management
ENVENG 750 Advanced Sustainability Engineering
ENVENG 752 Risk, LCA and Sustainability
LAWENVIR 723 Climate Change Law
LAWPUBL 745 Constitutions and Customs in the South Pacific
LAWPUBL 749 Indigenous Peoples: Law and Policy
POPLHLTH 717 Health and Society
POPLHLTH 725 Environmental Health
POPLHLTH 726 Health Protection
POPLHLTH 760 Principles of Public Health
URBPLAN 701 Urban Planning Contexts
URBPLAN 703 Urban Planning and the Environment