Please note: This programme does not lead directly to professional registration. It's designed primarily for qualified and registered professionals who are currently working in the sector in various disciplines, including social work, counselling, community development, and other allied fields.
Develop your ability to work cross-sector in complex environments within the Aotearoa New Zealand's treaty partnership and wider cultural contexts, and advance your decision-making, problem-solving, and research skills. Extend your knowledge in a specialist area of social practice and enhance your career prospects while adding value to your organisation, community, and beyond.
- Advance your practice and contribute to your profession by completing work-relevant research and projects as part of your studies.
- Ideal for those with practice-based skills who want to develop their management or workforce development competencies or validate their practice skills and ideas through research.
- Taught by highly experienced lecturers with roles in the community and national organisations.
- Graduates will likely find higher-level social practice roles or progress to study further.
- Places community engagement and understanding at the heart of research through Te Tiriti o Waitangi and indigenous approaches.
- Flexibility: choose full- or part-time study to fit in with your professional practice.
- Fast-track options into thesis work for students with undergraduate degrees that have a strong social practice component at an advanced level.
- Various scholarship options available.
Postgraduate option
You also have the option of starting with our Postgraduate Certificate in Applied Practice (1 semester full-time, 1 year part-time). Once completed, you can then move into the Masters programme.