TAFE Gippsland is proud to offer this WorkSafe approved HSR initial OHS training course, which aims to provide HSRs and other eligible participants with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to help make their workplace safe.
This WorkSafe approved training course will help HSRs to understand and exercise their powers effectively. The training will provide HSRs with the confidence, skills and knowledge to represent their co-workers (i.e. DWG) when raising health and safety concerns in the workplace. Although HSRs / Deputy HSRs are the primary audience, managers, supervisors, health and safety committee members may also benefit from attending this course.
The course will be carried out over five days, within a six month period and upon completion of the course, participants will receive a HSR certificate of attendance.
Learning outcomes for participants include:
Under section 67 of the Victorian OHS Act 2004 an employer, if requested, must allow an elected HSR and elected Deputy HSR to attend a WorkSafe approved HSR Initial OHS Training Course on paid time, pay the cost of the course and any other associated costs. Section 67 also allows HSRs to choose the approved training course they attend in consultation with their employer.
This is essential training for all HSRs.