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Swinburne University of Technology

  • 23% international / 77% domestic

Bachelor of Laws / Bachelor of Computer Science with a major in Data Science

  • Bachelor

Key details

Degree Type
Course Code
BB-LAWCS, 092703G
Study Mode
In person
Domestic Fees
$10,340 per year / $51,700 total
International Fees
$34,000 per year

Study locations


What you will learn

Upon successful completion of the Bachelor of Laws, graduates should be able to:

  • describe and demonstrate the application of the fundamental areas of Australian law and the Australian legal system and of the principles and doctrines that underpin them
  • describe and demonstrate the application of ethical and professional responsibility in the practice of the law and a commitment to the pursuit of justice
  • analyse and evaluate the interdisciplinary contexts in which legal issues arise and the disciplines and policy considerations that influence the content and operation of the law
  • describe and compare the international legal order and the law and legal systems of Australia's major trading partners
  • critically evaluate events or factual situations, identify the legal issues to which they give rise and develop and articulate appropriate and creative responses
  • undertake and critically evaluate research from a variety of sources to make judgements to solve complex legal problems with intellectual independence
  • demonstrate effective and persuasive communication capabilities with legal and non-legal audiences
  • communicate proficiently in professional practice to a variety of audiences, function as an effective member or leader of a diverse team and critically reflect on individual performance and professional development.

Upon successful completion of the Bachelor of Computer Science, graduates will be able to:

  • apply a broad and coherent knowledge of computer science and software development in diverse contexts and domains using critical thinking and judgement
  • apply appropriate methods and contemporary tools to the scoping, analysis, design, construction, verification and operation of software systems
  • communicate proficiently to a variety of audiences, function as an effective member or leader of a team, and use the basic tools and practices of project management within project work
  • demonstrate professionalism, integrity, ethical conduct, professional accountability and an awareness of professional practice in a global context
  • apply problem analysis and decision-making methodologies to identify, design and implement solutions to industry relevant problems with intellectual independence
  • reflect on personal performance, learning, and self-management processes as a means of continued professional development and lifelong learning.

Course structure

Successful completion of the Bachelor of Laws / Bachelor of Computer Science requires students to complete units of study to the value of 500 credit points. All units of study are valued at 12.5 credit points unless otherwise stated. View course rules and special requirements

Credit for prior study or work

Credit is granted in recognition of previous study and/or experience and allows students to gain advanced standing towards their course. Applicants are assessed on a case-by-case basis. Learn more about credit.