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Southern Cross University (SCU)

  • 20% international / 80% domestic

Bachelor of Psychological Science

  • Bachelor

How do we think and learn? How do we control our movements and behaviour? What makes us tick? Exploration of the human mind and behaviour is a fascinating field and this degree is an equally fascinating educational journey into behaviour, cognition, and psychological principles and theory.

Key details

Degree Type
3 years full-time, 6 years part-time
Course Code
3007244, 071464B, 071464B
Study Mode
In person, Online
Intake Months
Mar, Jul
International Fees
$28,800 per year / $86,400 total

About this course

How do we think and learn? How do we control our movements and behaviour? What makes us tick? Exploration of the human mind and behaviour is a fascinating field and this degree is an equally fascinating educational journey into behaviour, cognition, and psychological principles and theory.

We have designed our Bachelor of Psychological Science to be a rich, flexible, and highly engaging learning experience. It will shed light on how humans work, individually and in sociocultural groups, and will take you inside your own head -to develop a deep and real understanding of your own thoughts, emotions, and behaviour. It will take you across many different fields of psychological practice -many you will never have considered. You will be working with an academic team comprising active researchers publishing their work in international journals.

This degree will help you develop strong analytical and problem-solving skills, as well as proficiency in research and statistics, all of which will inform your ability to apply scientific approaches in professional settings as well as enhancing your understanding of yourself and of the world.

Study locations

Gold Coast

Coffs Harbour


What you will learn

  • Apply knowledge of the scientific method in thinking about problems related to behaviour and mental processes
  • Question claims that arise from myth, stereotype, pseudoscience or untested assumptions and recognise and defend against the major fallacies of human thinking
  • Use reasoning and evidence to recognise, develop, defend, and criticise arguments and persuasive appeals
  • Demonstrate practical skills in laboratory-based and other psychological research
  • Demonstrate an attitude of critical thinking that includes persistence, open-mindedness, and intellectual engagement
  • Apply psychological concepts, theories, and research findings to solve problems in everyday life and in society
  • Use information in an ethical manner (e.g., acknowledge and respect work and intellectual property rights of others through appropriate citations in oral and written communication)
  • Exhibit a scientific attitude in critically thinking about, and learning about, human behaviour, and in creative and pragmatic problem solving
  • Promote evidence-based approaches to understanding and changing human behaviour
  • Acquire an understanding of core topics in the discipline
  • Describe the basic characteristics of the science of psychology
  • Explain the major themes (e.g., interaction of genetics and environment) and perspectives (e.g., behavioural, evolutionary, sociocultural) of psychology
  • Demonstrate a capacity for independent learning to sustain personal and professional development in the changing world of the science and practice of psychology
  • Apply psychological principles to promote personal development through self-regulation in setting and achieving career and personal goals; self-assess performance accurately; incorporate feedback for improved performance; and purposefully evaluate the quality of one's thinking (metacognition)
  • Write effectively in a variety of other formats (e.g., essays, research proposals, reports) and for a variety of purposes (e.g., informing, arguing)
  • Demonstrate effective oral communication skills in various formats (e.g., debate, group discussion, presentation) and for various purposes
  • Write a standard research report using American Psychological Association (APA) structure and formatting conventions
  • Recognise and respect social, cultural, linguistic, spiritual, and gender diversity
  • Recognise how privilege, power, and oppression may affect prejudice, discrimination, and inequity
  • Reflect on one's experiences and learn from them in order to identify and articulate one's personal, sociocultural, and professional values; demonstrate insightful awareness of one's feelings, motives, and attitudes based on psychological principles

Career pathways

Graduates of the Bachelor of Psychological Science can seek employment in health, social and disability services, human resources, youth services, corrective services, armed services, research agencies, in 'big data', education, and in a range of careers that require critical thinking and an understanding of human psychological factors.

This degree is also a pathway to the Honours year. Eligible graduates may apply a fourth year of study in the APAC accredited Bachelor of Psychological Science with Honours. Completion of that fourth year of study is the minimal educational qualification to apply for provisional registration as a psychologist in Australia (conditional on undertaking an approved practice pathway).

Psychologists can undertake private practice and/or can gain employment in health, social, and disability services, youth services, corrective services, the armed services, research agencies as the CSIRO, in education, and in many other areas.

Credit for prior study or work

Students admitted with a completed Bachelors degree will be required to complete all core units.

Graduate outcomes

Graduate satisfaction and employment outcomes for Psychology courses at Southern Cross University (SCU).
Overall satisfaction
Skill scale
Teaching scale
Employed full-time
Average salary