If you wish to participate in university study without having to commit to completing a large set of courses, the Certificate in Arts could be right for you. It is also a good choice if you wish to take a few interest courses at university level.
The arts are the study of humanity: our history, beliefs, societies, languages, and cultures. They ask questions about how we think, how we communicate, how we live, and how we interact with our environment. They teach us to analyse the meaning behind what we are, what we do, and how we came to be that way.
There are no specific entry requirements for this programme, outside of university admission regulations.
Employers, industries and the labour market of the future need people who can thrive in an ever-changing labour market. They are looking for those who are able to effectively challenge and critique new encounters. Our arts programmes will develop your interpersonal, communication, critical thinking and problem-solving skills to ensure you remain agile and able to take on the opportunities the future holds.
The arts can lead to a wide range of career opportunities including:
For information on prior learning, exemptions and transfer of credit or other questions: