Outline Outline The Data Science Honours Major (BSc) (Honours) enables students to extend their knowledge of current academic research methodology in the fundamental and applied areas of Data Science. This will be demonstrated through studying specialised units and the conduct of a supervised research project and presentation of an honours dissertation.
What you'll learn - have demonstrated knowledge and understanding in the Data Science field of study that is at a level that is informed by knowledge of the forefront of Data Science, within a research context, GC1
- can apply their knowledge and understanding in a manner that indicates a professional approach to Data Science, and have competencies demonstrated through devising and sustaining arguments (to both specialist and non-specialist audiences) and solving advanced problems within Data Science, GC2
- understand the constructs of the scientific method and apply these principles in Data Science by communicating new knowledge, including using digital technologies, GC3
- can gather and interpret relevant research data within Data Science to inform judgements that include reflection on relevant social, scientific or ethical issues, including being aware of the diversity of international perspectives associated Data Science, and how these impact upon the practice Data Science, GC4
- understand the global and cultural issues within Data Science and how these impact on the practice of their profession, GC5
- display a very high standard of professional behaviour, including effective time management, both independently and as a team member, GC6