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Charles Darwin University (CDU)

  • 20% international / 80% domestic

Charles Darwin University (CDU) Courses

Masters (Coursework)

Sydney, Sydney, Waterfront Darwin, Waterfront Darwin, Waterfront Darwin, Darwin
The course focuses on the knowledge and skills required for practice as a certified practising accountant or chartered accountant along with effective management, accountability and control, and effective decision-making for financial success.
Entry Requirements

Successful completion of the Graduate Certificate of Accounting Studies or Graduate Diploma of Accounting Studies.
Successful completion of a recognised bachelor degree or equivalent international qualification in any discipline.

Applicants who have fully satisfied the entry requirements of the accounting professional bodies in their first degree are not eligible for entry.

1.5 years full-time, 3 years part-time
Study Mode
Online, In person
Graduate Satisfaction


This course is not available for online applications. Please contact the team for further information on how to apply.
Entry Requirements

There are no entry requirements for this qualification; however students may be required to undertake a Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) assessment to determine applicable support requirements.

1 year full-time
Study Mode


Offered to Apprentices only. This course is not available for online applications. Please contact the team for further information on how to apply.
Entry Requirements

To ensure you have the right skills and support to succeed in your course, a Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LL&N) evaluation helps identify any areas you may need additional support to help you achieve your goals.

To gain entry into AUR32120 Certificate III in Automotive Body Repair Technology candidates require:

  • To be an Apprentice who has entered a Training Contract with their employer and Australian Apprenticeship Support Network NT.

Students will also need to wear work clothing suited to the automotive industry such as:

  • Steel cap boots
  • Safety glasses
  • Protective clothing
  • Welding helmet and clothing for welding units
3 years full-time
Study Mode
In person
Graduate Satisfaction