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Australian National University (ANU)

  • 36% international / 64% domestic
ANU - Md Washim Akram

Md Washim Akram

I would like to be a teacher of any world-class university like Australian National University. The higher study at Australian National University can give me the opportunity.

Nowadays the whole world is concerned about clean energy and reduction of the harmful effect of burning fossil fuel. Because of this reason I want to perform my research work on clean energy production and investigate the effect of using 3rd generation bio-diesel/bio-fuel in the engine. The purpose of biofuel production is not only the reduction of emissions but also maintaining the price of fuel.

The main objective of controlling air pollution is on reducing NOx and other emissions. One of the most harmful components of diesel emission is NOx and that's why there is a crying need to reduce it. The possible ways of controlling NOx emission include optimising injection timing, direct water injection, water emulsification and employing exhaust gas recirculation (EGR). The other method of NOx minimization is the selective catalytic reduction (SCR).

Not only the NOx but also another harmful diesel exhaust is particulate matter – tiny airborne particles. All diesel vehicles are potentially suitable for retrofit exhaust abatement for particulate matter emissions. There are three main technologies used to reduce particulate matter emissions from diesel engines. The technology used will usually depend on the scale of emission reductions required, and the budget available for the retrofit. These technologies are wall-flow filter, partial flow filter and diesel oxidation catalyst.

As of yet, not much research has been done in reducing NOx emissions specifically from biodiesel fuel. My research target is to reduce both NOx and PM emissions from biodiesel combustion.

The first-generation biofuels made from a feedstock which is also suitable for human food production. But second-generation biofuels made from cellulosic material does not compete with the food crops. The biofuel which is produced from algae can be considered as a third-generation biofuel. The use of biodiesel fuel causes a decrease in the amount of PM, NOx, CO and HC existing in exhaust gases which are the main concern of my research work.

I would like to add something about my undergraduate study. I have completed my bachelor's in mechanical engineering from Rajshahi University of Engineering and Technology (RUET), Bangladesh. I have got the First position and earned a GPA of 3.81 out of 4.00 among 127 students. Now, I am working as a lecturer at Bangladesh Army University of Science and Technology, Bangladesh. I would like to be a teacher of any world-class university like Australian National University. The higher study at Australian National University can give me the opportunity.