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Auckland University of Technology

Auckland University of Technology Courses

Graduate Diploma

Study the AUT Postgraduate Diploma in Health Science in Violence and Trauma Studies, and in as little as one year you can explore different approaches to respond to violence and trauma in our communities and to assist with healing, individually and collectively.

Graduate Certificate

Study the AUT Postgraduate Certificate in Health Science in Leadership and Management to further your understanding of leadership and management in the health sector in as little as one semester.


The Exercise Science and Nutrition major covers the skills to help people make healthier choices. You study approaches to lifestyle management and healthy living to prevent lifestyle-related diseases.

Graduate Diploma

Develop advanced knowledge and critical analysis skills in leadership and management for healthcare in as little as one year with the AUT Postgraduate Diploma in Health Science in Leadership and Management.

Graduate Certificate

Develop advanced level midwifery skills in as little as one semester with the AUT Postgraduate Certificate in Health Science in Midwifery.


Curious about how the marketplace operates and why consumers respond as they do? Study marketing as part of the Bachelor of Business degree.

Graduate Certificate

Want to advance your understanding of mental health and addictions in as little as one semester? Study the AUT Postgraduate Certificate in Health Science in Mental Health and Addictions.

Bachelor (Honours)

Want to explore issues that cut across economic, political, social and environmental spheres around the world beyond traditional 'siloed' disciplines? Research a topic you're passionate about with the International Business specialisation in the Bachelor of Business (Honours).

Graduate Diploma

Explore best practice in paramedicine in as little as one year with the AUT Postgraduate Diploma in Health Science in Paramedicine.

Bachelor (Honours)

With the Sport Leadership and Management specialisation in the Bachelor of Business (Honours) you further your knowledge of sport leadership and management, and research a topic of your interest.

Graduate Diploma

Advance your understanding of health law and ethics with the AUT Postgraduate Diploma in Health Science in Health Care Ethics in as little as one year.


Study advertising and collaborate with your classmates on advertising briefs, writing and designing ads for real products and clients.