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Bachelor of Arts (Culinary Arts Major)

  • Bachelor

Passionate about food? Study the Culinary Arts major in the Bachelor of Arts and prepare yourself for a career in culinary arts.

Key details

Degree Type

About this course

Passionate about food? Study the Culinary Arts major in the Bachelor of Arts and prepare yourself for a career in culinary arts.

Career pathways

Diploma study optionsOther majors in the Bachelor of Arts

*This major focuses on New Zealand Sign Language and developing the skills to become a Sign Language interpreter. It doesn't include the option to include courses from different subjects.

Course structure

In your first year, you become familiar with culinary arts as a discipline. You collaborate with your classmates to discuss culinary arts culture and explore concepts of sensory appreciation. In Year 2 and 3 you take more advanced culinary arts courses. There's an emphasis on the cultural and social aspects of food preparation.

Apart from the courses below you also need to complete courses from your second major, your chosen minor(s) or electives. You can tailor the degree to your interests and include courses from related disciplines like food science, hospitality, tourism, event management, human resource management or marketing.

Core courses

All Bachelor of Arts students need to complete core courses that help you develop transferable skills and support your work in all other courses in the degree.

Complete one course from each of the following clusters. Each cluster aligns with one of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Partnerships and Reduced Inequalities

Peace and Justice, Climate Action and Economic World

Sustainability, Health and Wellbeing

Quality Education, Gender Equality and Reduced Poverty

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The Advanced Culinary Showcase course is at the heart of your final semester, giving you the opportunity to create an event. This practical experience helps you build further skills for the workplace and consolidate your decision on your professional career after graduation.

Final-year Bachelor of Arts in Culinary Arts students hosted Hope, Strength & Love; a charity fundraising dinner for Breast Cancer Cure. The dinner, a 5-course degustation, was designed with the support of celebrity chefs Ray McVinnie, Ben Baley and Des Harris. The event raised over $3,000 for the charity.

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Culinary arts major courses

If you're majoring in culinary arts, this is the main subject area you specialise in. It makes up one third of your degree and consists of five culinary arts-related courses you study throughout your degree (this includes some 30-point courses).

Year 1 courses

Complete the following course:

Year 2 courses

Complete the following courses:

Year 3 courses

Complete the following courses:

Build your degree

Use our online tool to build your own degree and see what your three years of study could look like.


Skills you will develop

The outcomes for graduates of this major are outlined in the Graduate Profile below.

Graduate Profile

[PDF, 403.4 KB]
Other requirements for this major

The practical side of this programme involves using commercial kitchen tools and equipment and requires you to demonstrate a level of skill that doesn't compromise any health and safety standards for yourself and others.

Skills needed for culinary arts courses